Many happy returns to Second Life from the family!
In celebration of their 10th year, Second Life, has a FREE limited edition Commemorative SL10B Avatar, complete with copy rights (sorry no transfer or modify rights).
You can get the avatar on the Marketplace. This avatar is made with some of the new Materials features and will look even better once that Materials Viewer launches (you can also check it out with the Materials Beta Viewer). The SL10B avatar will only be available until the end of June!
Also in honor of their 10th year, Second Life is holding a Snapshot Contest, with the top prize is free use of a homestead for four months, and second and third prizes are free use of a homestead for two months.
A Premium members grid-wide hunt will also be held later on this month, details TBA on the Linden blog.
From Second Life: “Thanks again to everyone who has been a part of the last ten years in Second Life – we look forward to what is still to come!”
From the Family: Happy Birthday to Second Life, and to our customers and friends, THANK YOU for your business!